Analysis Paper 2 Guidelines (150 points) Critical scholars can be described as t

Analysis Paper 2 Guidelines (150 points) Critical scholars can be described as those who “investigate how power, oppression, and privilege are the products of certain forms of communication throughout society… critical scholars are particularly interested in how messages reinforce oppression in society… critical theorists are particularly interested in uncovering oppressive social conditions and power arrangements in order to promote emancipation, or a freer and more fulfilling society” (Littlejohn & Foss, 57). Since the last focus of theme 3 is about power & influence, we will focus our last paper on scholars within that realm. The purpose of this analysis is for you to find a scholar specific to critical scholarship that you connect with and to write about them. You may choose any scholar that you connect with, live or dead, as long as that person has some focus or research that discusses power. I have listed some scholars that I connect with to give you some examples. If you can’t think of someone that connects with you, you may choose one from the bottom of the page. This is a research-based assignment and you should cite a minimum of 3 sources throughout the text. Your paper should consist of at least 3 pages of content and adhere to the formatting requirements on the syllabus. Please make sure that you are using correct in-text citations as well as providing a works cited page at the end of your paper. If you’re unfamiliar with using APA format, please follow Google “Purdue Owl APA” for a thorough and free reference. Please set up your analysis as follows: Checklist Introduction Body: 1 paragraph outlining some background of the scholar. Please don’t make it boring and just tell us where they went to school. Discuss the background to their research, how they found themselves writing this type of scholarship, notable life experiences, etc. Give us something that we can’t easily find on Wikipedia. 1 paragraph where you choose at least one theory/book/piece of research that you would like to address. How can this theory expand our understanding of communication in general? Why is this a notable theory for us to have knowledge on? 1 paragraph discussing how this scholar and/or their research impacts you as a student or person. Why did you choose them? What is meaningful about this scholar to you? Conclusion Works cited

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