Analyze the concepts and theories you read about in O112; utilizing key language and terms from these concepts and theories, compose a short answer essay to the question prompt below. O520B Question 1: This assessment targets ELO 400-SMC-1013.12 (O112: The Army Design Methodology (ADM)).
Topic of Essay: Construct a substantial essay utilizing key language and terms from these concepts and theories, describe the process and concept of developing an operational approach and how you envision facilitating this process as an Operations Sergeants Major (O112).
O520B Question 2: This assessment targets ELO 400-SMC-1013.12 (O112: The Army Design Methodology (ADM)).
Topic of Essay: Construct a substantial essay detailing how one of the four defeat mechanisms (destroy, dislocate, disintegrate, and isolate) and one of the four stability mechanisms (compel, control, influence, and support) can be used in combination in order to achieve the commander’s desired end-state of their selected operational approach (O112).
O520 B Question 3: This assessment question targets ELO 400-SMC-1013.12 (O112: The Army Design Methodology (ADM).
Topic of Essay: Construct a substantial essay detailing the importance and use of the ADM Key concepts of systems thinking, narrative construction and visual modeling when applied to framing an operational environment. In addition, explain how you envision facilitating these key concepts as an Operations Sergeant Major (O112).
O520 B Question 4: This assessment question targets ELO 400-SMC-1013.12 (O112: The Army Design Methodology (ADM).
Topic of Essay: Construct a substantial essay explaining when to employ Army Design Methodology and the considerations when forming the planning team. As an Operations Sergeant Major explain why it is important in selecting the right individuals to serve on the planning team.
A substantive response should include appropriate content knowledge and include support from the lessons or references used within the lessons. A substantive response should promote an exciting, vibrant, and demonstrated learning. Good writing depends on good style and good writing for an online environment should be clear, lively, and easy on the eye
The writing should be:
Appropriate in tone and language for a wide-ranging audience, from students to specialists;
Informed, accurate, and balanced;
Clear, coherent, and easy to understand;
Mechanically correct and consistent in every respect.
To be appropriate in tone, your writing should:
Be neutral and factual;
Use diction appropriate to a general audience;
Use any editorial conventions and spellings that may be appropriate to a particular field of specialization;
Explain specialized or unfamiliar historical terms in cases where using them is necessary;
Avoid rhetorical flourishes, colloquialisms, and unnecessarily fancy vocabulary;
Avoid the use of “we” or “our” (unless a reflection exercise)
To be informed, accurate, and balanced, writings should:
Convey an awareness of the content and its application in your environment (importance).
Express perspectives on content that reflect contemporary research and discourse about the subject;
Cite major sources used in preparing framework materials and give sources for any debatable statements made about the content;
Acknowledge briefly in a low-key, neutral manner collection materials that may be offensive to some readers.
To be clear, coherent, and easy to understand, NDLP documents should:
Use short paragraphs;
Contain no unnecessary words or sentences;
Use linking capability to avoid repetition (see “linking in text” below);
Divide longer responses into separate linked sections, each with a descriiptive subheading.
*While there is no minimum word count associated with the questions, the quality of your response will have an impact on the overall score.
** You have the option of writing this in MSWord and then copy/paste into Blackboard
*** You must answer all questions.
APA7, 1 source per question.