Art Event Rubric – Art 1

Art Event Rubric – Art 111
WHAT NOT TO DO: critique something you saw years and or months ago, critique a museum piece that you saw online, critique a piece of artwork that you yourself created or a close friend or use AI
********Any of these will result in major deductions in points from this unit. All critiques must be visited/viewed/watched/seen/etc. during the time class was in session and include a phot of yourself with the artwork. ********
LAYOUT: One page of writing double spaced with a photo on second page (minimum)
Two pages of writing double spaced with photo of third page (maximum) Descriiption: Instead of doing the typical video lecture and quiz, this week you will be writing an
essay in its place. The goal is to travel to a local gallery, museum, theater or any place you will
be able to see art in the real world and write a one page (doubled spaced 12pt font) review of
what you are seeing. Open the review by telling the reader where you are and what you are
looking at, for example: I went to the sandhills art gallery and I am looking at a painting show
from artist Lori Lorion and the show was called “In Flux”. Tell the viewer what you see, what
you are hearing, what you are smelling (maybe it’s a culinary event?), is it crowded, is there lots
of work by multiple artists or just one artist, maybe it’s a performance and you are talking
about the costume. Set the scene for your reader to feel like they are there.
In the second paragraph I would like you to focus in on one specific piece (if a gallery) one
specific song (if it’s a music performance) one specific act (if it’s a play or musical) one specific
scene (if it’s a film)… you get the idea. In this second paragraph you will be critiquing what you
are seeing. Remember to explain your critique for example; I really liked this because ________
and I really didn’t like this because ___________ or I think it could be improved by _________.
The final paragraph should be your conclusion of the art event and include whether or not you
would recommend this specific event to a friend.
On a second page attach a selfie of yourself doing this event.

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