Based on your study of readings linked from the course resources, answer questions 1 and 2 (choose one option
from each question).
1. a. Critically analyse why organisations should take responsibility for exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of
violence against children in their supply chain.
b. Critically analyse how organisations can help support more effective, accountable, and transparent institution at
all levels.
2. a. Critically analyse why organisations should engage with building adaptive capacity to climate related hazards in
your region.
b. Critically analyse how organisations can incorporate climate resilience into their strategy and action.
Use the introduction (50 words) to give brief background about your organisation or community. This should
be the organisation you work in (organisation notjustsector) orthe community that you are active within. You
must state your role within the organisation / community.
• Question heading: You should present each set of questions you are answering.
• Use the sub-headings below to structure your work for each question.
• Critical analysis of the issue (350 words): The critical analysis is a critical literature review based on indepth use of selected readings from the weekly course resources. You should show what is important to
you by how you use your references rather than expressing your own opinion directly. We are looking for
depth of understanding. We recommend use of 4-6 course resources for your answers. Remember that
using evidence (examples) from the case studies included within the session materials can help you
support the point you are making.
• Recommendations (100 words): Use three extended bullet points to outline your top three
recommendations for your organisation. Your recommendations should be based on your learning each
week and include specific points (referenced) that you could apply to your organisation. What could your
organisation do to improve its practice? Try to include positive ideas for change rather than just doing less
harm. Ideas from within each week’s case studies are likely to be useful here.
• Ensure you include a brief conclusion (50 words) summarising the key points of your completed paper and
perhaps drawing together any key themes or links you would like to highlight.
• A reference list section is needed.
• Additional relevant information such as your notes or forum posts reflecting on the in-teaching activities to
be included in appendices at the end of your paper (excluded from word count).
this is where i work now (
Please use the attached references