be formatted in MLA (12 pt. font, double-spaced) with an MLA header, heading, an

be formatted in MLA (12 pt. font, double-spaced) with an MLA header, heading, and creative title. fully address one of the prompts above. be organized into paragraphs, with an introduction, at least two body paragraphs focusing on one idea each, and a conclusion include at least three quotes from the poem or short story you selected use the quote sandwich technique (see Week 13 Instructions) to introduce and explain quotes follow each quote with an MLA in-text citation not include research or outside sources other than the work of literature include an MLA Works Cited page with the full citation for the work of literature be 2-3 double-spaced pages long be written using correct spelling, grammar, and sentence structure Hi I’m going to put the poem in the drop box and the details of the assessment I need this done Today Dec 12/4/2024 10 PM this class is for English ENC1101

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