Book Review: This is the ONE Book Review.
The review is for a total of 100 points. For due date, please see Course Calendar.
Book Review: Write a book review on the book Misreading scripture with western eyes by Randolph Richards/Brandon J. O’Brien .
Requirements for both reviews: The review should be a minimum of 700 words (1” margins, Times New Roman 12, no title page necessary, heading single-spaced, text double spaced, use APA formatting). Your audience should be imagined as adults of average to above-average intelligence (pastors, parents, peers) who are not specialists in this field. You are writing for them and to them. This book review should have three parts. Part One: Introduction to the Book. This is usually one paragraph long and includes the title of the book, the author, and the publisher (for the reader of your review who wants to obtain the book), plus a few introductory sentences about the book, its contents, argument, etc. This basic information is for the benefit of your reader. If the readers of your review are interested, they can read more. If they want to purchase or find a copy of the book, they have all of the requisite information here.Part Two: Description of the Book. In this part, you will provide a more detailed presentation of the contents of the book: its scope, arrangement, structure, and development. Provide the points of view or theses of the author, etc. It is appropriate and typical in a book review to focus your attention a bit more on a particular portion of the book for a more detailed comment. You may do this by selecting a chapter, or perhaps a smaller portion of a chapter such as a particular passage or parable that is discussed. Part Two should help prospective readers decide if the book is something they would like to read.Part Three: Personal Appreciation or Evaluation of the Book. This is the place where you articulate in some detail what you feel are the merits and/or shortcomings of the book, how the book assisted you (or not) spiritually, and whether or not you would recommend the book to others. The Book Reviews will link to Student Learning Outcome #7 and 9.All formatting for this course’s Assignments – APA Formatting (link to APA in a Nutshell)APA SAMPLE PAPER – USE THIS AS A HANDY REFERENCE WHILE YOU ARE WRITING!ONLY SUBMIT ONE PAPER – in either WORD or PDF format