Due by Day 6, 11:59 pm CT
Use one of the sources below to conduct your research for this assignment. Start by choosing two franchises in the same industry (examples: lawn care, fast food, cleaning services, car maintenance).
Web Link 1: https://www.franchiseopportunities.com/
Web Link 2: https://www.franchise.org/
Web Link 3: https://www.whichfranchise.com/
In 150 words (minimum), respond to the prompts below. Use your two selected franchises.
Create a table in Word to house at least two different fee structures (upfront, marketing support, continued licensing, or others) and/or benefits touted for franchisees of each franchise system. Then, provide a short review of support material that explains its importance.
Web Link 4: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/insert-a-table-a138f745-73ef-4879-b99a-2f3d38be612a#:~:.
In the same Word document, identify at least three factors that can help to make a franchise successful. Explain how they do so.
What was your most surprising finding while conducting this research?
Please cite the sources you use to conduct your research. For now, at the bottom of your Word document, include as much information as you can about the source(s) you used. Be sure to list the title of the source and the author(s) if there are any. Any dates of publication you can find are also good to include. Finally, you can include the URL for online sources. While APA style is not yet required, if you’d like to practice, please use the reference sites below and those in the APA Help Center, in the left-hand navigation menu. For one-on-one help, contact the
How does a formal business enterprise take shape? Consider that several plausible elements affect the way a business is crafted and constructed, including how easily it can be set up, the needed resources to nurture a product idea, the availability of internal and external financing options, leadership’s willingness to accept and manage risk, the intensity of competitors, and the ability of the company to outmaneuver the unknown challenges of commerce.
This week, you will explore a variety of forms of private business ownership, which include sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. We will go through the features of businesses owned by families and those owned by employees, as well as features of not-for-profit organizations. We’ll also examine public and collective ownership and go over an explanation of structures and operations typical of larger companies, reviewing some of the major types of business alliances along the way.
Finally, the journey turns toward the importance of small business and, in particular, how it’s influenced by the entrepreneurial spirit in the world of commerce and those individuals seeking a corresponding lifestyle. Within this framework, we’ll take time to appreciate the characteristics and hard work of these individuals who are willing to try different approaches and methods to make a business succeed.
Assignment Citation Expectations: In this course, and throughout your academic career, you will be asked to cite the sources you use when researching, developing, and discussing your ideas. Explore the APA Help Center, in the left-hand navigation menu, for tools and guidance. By acknowledging authors when you use their thoughts to create or support your work, citation serves as a way to give credit where credit is due. While some of you may be familiar with citing sources and/or APA style (the form of citation we will use in this program), others may be new to this concept. As we advance through this course, you will practice your citation skills as you complete your assignments, and by the end, you will be asked to compose and provide both in-text citations and reference citations in the final week of the class.
Starting in this week’s assignment, we will begin to practice citing sources. You will be asked to provide information on the sources you use, like author names and dates of publication. Please be sure to review the instructions and rubrics for each assignment, so you understand the expectations.
Web Link 1: https://www.sba.gov/business-guide/launch-your-business/choose-business-structure#section-header-1
Web Link 2: https://www.sba.gov/blog/pros-cons-startups-franchises
NOTE: You may be prompted for your BU login when you attempt to access the library databases and e-books from off campus. Your username is your 8-digit student ID# preceded by Bellevue. Be sure to use a backslash and not a forward slash after Bellevue, with no spaces before or after it. Your password is the same one you use for Blackboard and BRUIN.
Week 4 Vocabulary Terms
Review the following terms to help you find success in this course and program, as well as in your future career in business:
Equity Financing
Funds invested in new ventures in exchange for part ownership.
Lifestyle Entrepreneurship
Person who starts a business to gain flexibility in work hours and control over his or her life.
Business Incubator
Local programs designed to provide low-cost shared business facilities, along with training, support, and networking, to small start-up ventures.
Small Business Association (SBA)
Principal government agency concerned with helping small U.S. firms.
Association of two or more persons who operate a business as co-owners by voluntary legal agreement.
Owners of a corporation due to their purchase of stock in the corporation.
Joint Venture
Partnerships between companies formed for a specific undertaking.
Horizontal Merger
Mergers that join firms in the same industry for the purpose of diversification, increasing customer bases, cutting costs, or expanding product lines.
Use Grammarly to check your work for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.