Find and review the following articles: French, S. (2009). Action research for practising managers. The Journal of Management Development, 28(3), 187–204. Wall, T., & Russell, J., & Moore, N. (2017). Positive emotion in workplace impact: The case of a work-based learning project utilising appreciative inquiry. Journal of Work-Applied Management, 9, 129–146. Explain how you will conduct action research (AR). Include the following: Identification of grand objective Identification of first sub-objective or diagnosis Planning phase How will you approach the problem within the confines of your organization? Action phase Emphasis must be on how you will facilitate this phase as you employ appreciative inquiry / action research (AI/AR) values. (If you are not sure, hypothesize what you believe would be the best approach.) Facilitation of the reflection phase Identify the new knowledge created during the cycle (covering “What? So what? and Now what?”), and employ the values of AI/AR.