Hello Customs Writings and Writer:
Please make sure you spell check and grammar the Shakespeare Essay. Please make sure you only use MLA writing style. Please see the attached files. Please make sure you follow all of the instructions closely. Please do 2 Pages, Double Space and Times New Roman Font. Analysis of what Sharkespeare is saying about one of the big ideas chosen by you. Synthesize the big ideas across the two speeches that you chose to write about. The write up should include one of these things-Guilt, Love, Death, Betrayal, Honesty, Fear, Curiosity, Wonder, Hope and Hopelessness. These are the speeches you may work with (remember, you must use at least two): The Tragedy of Hamlet, specifically-1. Speech: “To be, or not to be, that is the question”. 2. Act 3, Sc 1 (Ophelia. “O.what a noble mind”). OR The Tragedy of Macbeth, specifically-3. Speech: “Tomorrow, and tomorrow. and tomorrow”. 4. Speech: “Is this a dagger which I see before me”. Macbeth, ActI. Scene VII (If it were done when ’tis done). Act 1, Sc 7 (Lady MacBeth. “Unsex me here”). OR The Tragedy of Othello- 5. Act 4, Sc 2 (Desdermonda. “”O good Lago”), Act 4, Sc 2 (Othello. “Had it pleased heaven”). OR The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra 6. Act 4. Sc 12. (Antony. “All is lost”), Act 5. Sc2 (Cleopatra. “Immortal Longings”). Please see the English 12 Module 2 Arc 1 Task: Thematic Analysis Paper with the Rubric Student Success Criteria and the Rubric, Standards: RL 11-12.1, RL 11-12.2, W11-12.1, W11-12.9 on the bottom of the paper.