Here is what our transfer partners would like you to produce: “Analytical report which analyzes a problem or question, compares and contrasts alternative solutions, includes properly inserted visuals, page numbers and an associated table of contents, includes documented sources, an executive summary, and provides conclusions and recommendations. The report will be prepared using word processing software, properly formatted, and printed by a computer printer.” You will not be asked to print this document, but you will want to include all the components listed above and submit a document that you wrote using a word processor. You will want to save this final document as a PDF formatted file to preserve your formatting as you submit it into Canvas.
These are the requirements for your report:
A clear purpose and thesis Links to an external site.. It should indicate how it analyzes a problem, addresses a question, or proposes a solution.
Use of APA7 citations. This means a properly formatted and alphabetized Reference list and in-text citations that link to the specific entry in the Reference list via the author(s)’ last name(s).
Generative AI is not to be used to create any part of your report.
An appropriate length and format. For this purpose, that length is four to six pages of information with 1.5 spacing, or about 1,400 to 2,100 words in the body of the paper, assuming approximately 350 words per page. It should include meaningful headings for its sections. Here is the customary order of the items in the report:
Report ElementsReport ElementsDoes this item count in the page total?Title pageNoTable of contentsNoExecutive summary and thesis statementNoBody of reportYesReference ListNo