I am going to attach the file that you wrote for me before and instructions for the final paper.
Subheadings: Background
Research question
Literature review and theoretical foundation
Proposed Methods: Design
Sample Data collection instrument Data collection procedure Proposed analysis. 7) Methods: Qualitative or Quantitative? What kind of design? (See below). What sample? How many? What setting? What time frame? 8) Analysis: This will depend on your methods. Also, there is another file with the feedback and professor wanted me to do the correction. For the research method that’s what I was thinking-> The research design will be a cross-sectional, quantitative approach involving pre-surveys and post-surveys and the intervention part of education. It will include purposive sampling consisting of 100 nurses. Purposive sampling refers to intentionally selecting participants based on their characteristics, knowledge, experiences, or some other criteria. The reason for purposive sampling is the better matching of the sample to the aims and objectives of the research, thus improving the rigor of the study and the trustworthiness of the data and results; four aspects of this concept have previously been described: credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability (Campbell et al., 2020). The post-survey will reassess the 50 nurses who received additional education on early ambulation and the 50 nurses who weren’t included in the education session. The target population is nurses who work in the med-surg/telemetry unit in the hospital.
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