I am needing an investment research report specifically crafted to inform and influence investment strategies, with a professional format designed for stakeholders in financial markets. My writer should have adept background in financial statements, valuation, and investments. In addition he/she should have exceptional skills with graphs, excel, graphics, and charts.
This is a team project covering Tractor Supply Company, and as part of the team I have been assigned the following responsibilities: Business Description, and Investment Summary. In addition, I am responsible for the Cash Flow Analysis and Asset Management sub sections within the Financial Analysis section of the report. Therefore, I will need you to complete a comprehensive report for each.
The document titled, “Report Content” outlines what each section should cover.
The document titled, “Writing guidelines” describes the instructions and guidelines of my professor
The document titled, “rc-equity-research-report-essentials” Explains the guidelines for writing. Please be sure to read the highlighted portions as they directly relate to my tasks.
The document titled, “Example Report” Shows a sample report. The purpose is to show you an example of the quality the report should reflect.
The document titled, “Appendix” Shows what I should be contributing to the Appendix for my four sections.
The document titled, “Supplemental material” Outlines they types of other documentation (excel spreadsheets, graphs, charts, etc) that will need to be integrated into the report.
All other files, are reports/information on the company.
Please at minimum reference Morning start, Valueline, and Bloomberg.