Make sure that you have uploaded the correct version, and that your project document is readable. Finally, make sure that your project contains all the R code (pasted to the VERY end of your project, as an appendix) and a link to download the dataset.
Title Page in APA Format + Abstract Summary
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReview of Past Literature
Review of past literature includes at least 5 citations, identifies need for additional research (i.e., your study), helps focus a broad question to specific hypotheses, and specific null and alternative hypotheses clearly identified for (1) the main effects and (2) accounting for a potential confound variable (multiple regression).
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMethod : Participants
Participants described (sample size, age, sex, incentives, recruitment)
Method : Procedures
Procedures described in detail needed to allow another researcher to replicate the study.
Method : Dependent Variable Measures
Measures for dependent variable is based on a continuous scale, and described
Method : Independent Variable Measures
Measures / Manipulation for two independent variables are described.
Results : Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics (e.g., mean, sd, range, and alpha reliability for continuous; frequency for categorical) reported for all included measures.
Results : Bivariate Models
Student reported results of bivariate models to test the main effect hypotheses
Results : Multivariate Model (Confounds)
Student reported results of any multivariate model (either mediation or moderation)..
Results : Summary Table
Key results from models are organized into a table(s).
Results : Graphs
Key results of main effect are graphed in a presentation-ready format.
Discussion : Summary
Findings summarized and related to past research / the real world.
Discussion : Limitations
Discussion of at least one limitations, why this limitation mattered / influenced the results, and ways future research might address these limitations or answer new questions.
-10 points : excessive typos and mistakes that demonstrated lack of effort in writing
-10 points : paper and / or references not in APA format
-30 points : student did not turn in R code and data file
-10 points : student turned in project late
ZERO POINTS ON ASSIGNMENT : student plagiarized any part of the paper.
Research Topic:
What I want to study is the level of perceived stress among Berkeley students. I am interested in this variable because I am acutely aware of the fact that stress is a huge issue that we will face in our studies and in our lives. It affects our academics, mental health, and more. I want to help us find ways to reduce stress and get better relaxation by studying the factors that lead to stress.
For my linear model:
DV(Level of stress ) ~ Academic workload + Pressure of social life (make friends, economic issues…) + … + error
I already created the questionnaire survey and collected data Here are my data file and my project thoughts. I also gave a Rstudio interaction as an example (start watching from page 23).