My professor made suggestion on my paper as attached. Please review what she sug

My professor made suggestion on my paper as attached. Please review what she suggested. I have attached all the articles that were used in my paper.
Methods and Procedure: (Some key points to add)
• This study poses no risk to the patient since it does directly involve them
• This study may only affect the nurse if they experienced an adverse event with a patient that caused distress to them.
Human Subjects Protection: (Please add this information or rearrange what’s there to have this included)
• This project is HIPAA compliant because no patient’s information was added
• The nurses complete this survey anonymously and not during work hours.
• Data will be collected from AACN site and stored on a drive for 3 years. That same data will be deleted from the hard drive when no longer needed.
• Some potential next steps include additional education for the medical staff providing direct patient care on the proper use of chemical restraints. • Fiscal implications: This proposal is projected to cost less than $95,000 in NYC because a statistician’s salary is this much, but they would be consulted. Thus, we would not pay them their annual salary but just a consultation cost for the project depending on the amount of time they spend assisting with this project. Dissemination:
• I plan to present my findings locally at my hospital Jacobi Medical Center during Grand Rounds.

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