Now that you have become more familiar with several concepts like hegemony, colonialism, colorism, othering, microaggressions, and other concepts, I want you to deepen your understanding of other topics that affect people at the local, state, national, and international levels. Recently, we witnessed the unfortunate death of George Floyd and many other people of color whose lives were taken by those who were supposed to protect them. Their actions sparked civil and social unrest as thousands of people took to the streets to demand social justice. Their efforts paid off, for the officers involved in the murder of Floyd were found guilty and punished for their offenses. Many believe, however, that more must be done to challenge systemic racism in America and its impact on members from marginalized communities. For this reason, I want you to research one of the following topics:
1. Agree with the need for the United States Federal Government to provide universal health care.
Need 8 sources please
Also use this intro paragraph I already have.
The idea of the U.S. government providing universal health care is becoming more important as a vast majority of Americans lack proper insurance. Universal health care would make sure everyone, no matter their income or job, has access to the medical services they need. It would help reduce inequalities in health care and give people peace of mind knowing they’re covered. Many believe health care should be a basic right, and it’s up to the government to ensure everyone has access to it. Plus, a universal system could save money by cutting out unnecessary administrative costs. It could make the system more efficient and affordable for everyone. By adopting this, the U.S. would be following the lead of many other developed countries.
And this is the rest of the rubric for the essay
o complete essay # 3 you need to expand Formal Essay #2 into a 2000-2500 word essay. Make sure to develop your essay by providing more facts, statistics, and professional opinions. You also need to include 2 counterarguments. Focus: Define the problem and its scope. Identify policy and/or workable solutions to the problem. Argue the feasibility of your policy/solution.
To argue effectively and convincingly, you must expand your knowledge base on the topic you’ve selected. So, you will conduct research of credible sources.
Once again, you will use one of the three models for this essay, correct MLA Style in-text citations (not too many! and definitely explained/analyzed to show connections to what you are claiming) and correct MLA Style Works Cited page.
You need to use between 10-12 sources.
Make sure to include two counterarguments.
You will proofread your essay carefully to catch errors such as loose/lose, were/where; its/it’s; their/there/they’re; etc. Watch also for word choices that don’t work and sentence errors. Check that you have transitions.
Remember to focus your efforts in this assignment on a possible solution or recommendation rather than just identifying the problem. Your argument must be free of logical fallacies and well-supported with evidence and examples. Write in a lively, engaging, thought-provoking, error-free writing style!