Nurse Educators are involved with Systematic Assessment/Evaluation and often Accreditation. Whether the educator is employed in an academic, healthcare, or community organization, they are most likely to be involved with these processes in some way.
The purpose of this assignment is two-fold. First, the educator has an opportunity to explore with their organization to discover what types of assessment and accreditations apply to them (e.g. CCNE, The Joint Commission, the State Board(s)). Secondly, you can choose these functions to review and present in a way of your choice. If you are not currently working, make your own choice.
Steps for Completion
Choose a Systematic Assessment/Evaluation function (standing committee, policy/procedures, etc) or an accrediting body.
Explore the further to learn more about your choice (you can use your textbooks, credible websites – primary authors. etc., however, you must include at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed articles) to support your content.
Address the following prompts as you plan your presentation:
Compare assessment/evaluation and the accreditation process. How are they similar and how are they different? Why are they needed in a setting where a nurse educator may work?
(Academic) Summarize the differences between the major academic accreditations. Why would a nursing program choose one over another? How do the nursing accreditation agencies comply with the Federal Department of Education?
(Healthcare Agencies) What is the purpose of the Joint Commission? How does the nurse educator interact with this accrediting body? List three (3) JC standards that impact the role of the educator, explain what they entail and how the nurse educator would collect ongoing data on each of these standards? Is accreditation mandatory? If not, why would a healthcare institution bother with a Joint Commission Accreditation?
NOTE: Do NOT choose both academic and healthcare agency’s accreditation but only the one that best reflects your practice or interest.
Reflect on what you learned from this assignment regarding assessment/evaluation. accreditation. and technology.
Describe the role of the nurse educator in assessment/evaluation and accreditation.
Choose a presentation method (not a paper) to share your findings (infographic, concept map, PowerPoint, Voice thread, video, etc). Review the technology tools found in the “Getting Started section of this course).
Presentation must adhere to time limits – infographic, concept maps – 1 page; media – 1-2 minutes, PowerPoint – 5 slides. Contact your faculty member if you have a question regarding this for your media selection.
Post your final presentation as a file upload (refer to rules about videos early in the course).