Pinker writes on a topic that has been the subject of some controversy. Where do

Pinker writes on a topic that has been the subject of some controversy. Where do you stand on the issue? Do electronic media make people dumber or smarter? You may, of course, include a narrative account of an experience you’ve had using Google, Facebook, or MSWord, in an attempt to discover whether you believe such tools affect intelligence for better or worse. But, don’t rely solely on your experience; expand upon it by doing some research to help you explain your assessment of the cause-and-effect relationship between media and intelligence, being sure to define what you mean by intelligence. (You may want to read the 2008 Atlantic magazine article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr, the one Pinker alludes to in his last paragraph.) You must write at least a 5-paragraph essay answering one of the prompts above. • You must use 3 different credible sources of research, quoting at least once from each (credible means mainstream/reputable, like a website for CNN, FOX, ABC, or anything from GALILEO database, etc). • Your essay must include 3 different statistics. These may be the quotations themselves. Each statistic must have an in-text citation (i.e., a short parenthetical reference right after it that corresponds to the Works Cited page). The thesis of your paper must answer the prompt directly. Remember, you are trying—not to prove anything—but to find support for your thesis. Causal-analysis does involve going beneath the surface, though; quotations never “speak for themselves.” They must always be interpreted, which is an essayist’s fundamental job. Call it critical thinking, if you want: you’re doing it when you comment on, react to—engage!—the researched data you include. You could, for example, say why the data is important, or perhaps what it means in light of other data. In short, you want to avoid stating what is painfully obvious and to have analyzed the topic, not just reported on it.

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