please check the file that said Justin Anil first. I started and did part of the

please check the file that said Justin Anil first. I started and did part of the annotated Bibliography, you are ok to modify and make changes and follow the instructions. My proffesor said ”
Unfortunately, this is not an annotated bibliography of ten credible sources for use in your final essay. You will need to revise this assignment before you write your essay. You need ten clear citations (in MLA or APA) with summaries, statements of credibility, and statements of use. Please see the models of this assignment in the Week 4 folder. I add the models example.
Annotated Bibliography Assignment Description Purpose: The purpose of the annotated bibliography is demonstrate your ability to locate, evaluate, cite, and summarize credible sources of information to support a research essay. The annotated bibliography is a way to keep track of sources of information you find that answer your research question. The annotated bibliography is a powerful pre-writing tool that I encourage you to use whenever you are asked to write a research paper. This assignment links to the following course outcomes: locate credible sources and understand intellectual ownership; employ a variety of research methods; and employ systems of documentation accurately.
Skills: The skills needed to complete this assignment include using search engines, library resources, and knowledgeable individuals to locate sources of information. You will also need to use the Microsoft References tool to generate your citations, as well as your reading comprehension and summary skills to communicate the content of each source. Knowledge: You will need to demonstrate an understanding of how and where to locate sources and the criteria used to determine if a source is credible or trustworthy. You will also gain a great deal of knowledge about your specific research topic. Rhetorical Situation: The audience for this assignment is me, the instructor, and you, the student-researcher. Task: For the annotated bibliography, you will collect ten credible sources that answer your Inquiry Project research question and create an annotated bibliography of those ten sources. Two of your sources must come from peer-reviewed journals. This assignment builds on the skills you developed completing the research logs. STEP ONE: Locate and evaluate ten credible sources that answer your research question from last week. I strongly recommend working with an NECC Reference Librarian to help you locate sources. Remember, at least two sources must come from a peer-reviewed journal (you may include more than two if you like). STEP TWO: Compile your ten credible sources into an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography includes four elements:
1. a proper citation in either MLA or APA format listed in alphabetical order (choose the citation style you plan on using in your final essay).
2. a summary of the source.
3. a brief explanation of how you would use the source in your essay. 4. the credentials of the author(s) and publisher of the source. You may use the Microsoft Word References Tool to generate the citations and you will then need to insert summaries of each source. You will submit your annotated bibliography through the appropriate submission link.
Please review all of the examples in the Resources for Annotated Bibliographies folder below. Criteria for Success: Your annotated bibliography will be evaluated using the following criteria: There are ten credible and reputable sources listed; the author and publisher credentials are mentioned in each summary.
Citations are listed in alphabetical order and formatted using a consistent citation style; citations are formatted correctly and include all relevant information.
The writer clearly and objectively provides a general overview of the main points of each source with some details pertaining to evidence included.
There is a clear and specific explanation of how the source will be used in an essay and the credentials of the author. The list includes an appropriate mix of kinds of sources (including two peer-reviewed journal articles).
NOTE: You should aim for a healthy mix of sources (for example, peer-reviewed journals, newspaper articles, magazine articles, Ted Talk, etc.) and avoid relying too heavily on one kind of source (e.g. all newspaper articles) or one source of information (e.g. four articles from the same magazine). Two of your sources must come from peer-reviewed journals.
Annotated Bibliography
Course Outcomes: Use critical reading and writing strategies; Understand and analyze rhetorical situations and conventions of literature and/or other written genres.; Employ appropriate systems of documentation accurately; Locate credible sources and understand intellectual ownership.; Employ a variety of research methods.
STOP: Before you submit your Annotated Bibliography, make sure you have ten credible sources (two must be from peer-reviewed journals) that are properly cited and in alphabetical order. Each source should include a list of the author and publication credentials, summary and and a statement of use. If you have not recieved instructor-approval of your research question, you cannot submit your annotated bibliography. Only annotated bibliographies for instructor-approved questions will be accepted. Please check the feedback on your research question submission for approval.
Please submit your Annotated Bibliography of ten sources for your Inquiry Project as as Word or PDF document through this link.

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