Produce a single page academic poster which summarises and communicates the key

Produce a single page academic poster which summarises and communicates the key elements of your Leadership Case Study.
In academic conferences, poster sessions allow researchers who may not have a speaking slot the chance to draw attention to their research. These posters are a single page summary of the research project and often include infographics to highlight methods or key findings.
Although you are not required to physically display your poster in a conference hall, the process of distilling your case study to a single page of information is very valuable.
This also puts you in a position of being able to demonstrate the value of your work to stakeholders and colleagues.
The poster is your opportunity to summarise your Leadership Case Study and demonstrate how your work might be presented to a wider audience, which might include an academic conference or training event in your organisation.
Your poster should reflect your chosen option for the leadership case study: it will
present your methods, insights and key findings of the following:
Personal Leadership Literature Review
Your poster presentation should meet standard expectations of an academic poster: • single sheet
• one-sided
• document size should be equivalent to approximately A3, A2, A1 or AO, or should be a scalable image
• poster can be in portrait or landscape orientation
• poster should contain static elements only (no audio, video or animation)
You are not bound by restriction on font, size or colour – you have creative freedom in the way you present your information, including the use of images, infographics, charts and textual elements.
Marking Guidance
The Poster Presentation Assignment is weighted at 20% of the module assessment (it is marked out of 100).
Your submission will be marked against the following programme competencies:
– Reflecting upon and evaluating your own approach to leadership.
– Developing evidence-based approaches to professional development that enhance your own performance as a leader.
– Identifying and implementing evidence-based approaches to enhancing healthcare quality and safety.
– Systematically searching for, selecting, appraising and analysing literature that supports change in healthcare practice.
– Selecting and applying evidence-based methods and strategies to effect change in healthcare settings.
– Using data and critical reflection to evaluate the success or otherwise of changes to practice.
– Articulating the key role of research and other forms of evidence as the foundation for informed decision-making in healthcare.
– Conveying complex information effectively and accurately, integrating reference to supporting literature.

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