See the uploaded draft and instructions document for your review, Message me writer when you have read this, please. Cite the link in blue on Church Committee (( and two other sources on Rizzo’s book and Comey’s book. (both Rizzo ad Comey had different views on the roles of Attorneys). Think of examples of both of them. Write the Paper on What You Read. Write a paper comparing the role of attorneys envisioned in the Recommendations with the role the attorney/attorneys whose book(s) you selected played during his/their careers.
a. Focus not on specific changes to statutes or regulations proposed in the Recommendations (as many of those have been implemented or addressed) but on the underlying concerns that motivated the Recommendations. What role did the Recommendations envision that agency attorneys should play and did the attorney(s) in fact play that role in their careers? If you wish, you may (with proper attribution) draw upon other, more recent sources of information concerning their careers. You can also bring in other portions of Book II.
b. Here are some questions that you might address in your examination: Did issues noted in the Recommendations arise, either directly or indirectly, in the attorney’s career? If so, how? How did he address it? What insights does he offer and what conclusions did he draw? Have his conclusions stood the test of time? What conclusions about the Recommendations and his career do you draw?
c. If you are writing on both, you can, if you wish, compare and contrast their stories and/or organize them around a common theme(s).
5. Technical Requirements. The paper should be not less than five pages at 250 words per page (2,500 words) and no more than eight pages at 250 words per page (3,000 words) – not counting footnotes and bibliography. It should be well-edited, double-spaced and written in 12-point Times New Roman font.
Work of the draft I uoloaded and use Rizzo’s source but find others if needed for Rizzo adn only missign Comeys source of his book and and use and conveying of takeaways fromt eh Church Committee link/ reading.