Sources for this paper should be peer reviewed journal articles
○ Minimum of 3
○ Within the last 10 years
○ Study should have participants
● I recommend psychinfo
these are Additional Resources:
APA Formatting: to an external site.
Finding Articles: to an external site.
the topics could be one of this: Socioeconomic Outlooks For an Aging Society Trailer or – MY LAST DAY OF BEING 30 SOMETHING or Socioeconomic Outlooks For an Aging Society Trailer or The Declining and Stronger Mind: What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You…Stronger
Each section should have its own title
● Follow APA format (Refer to provided examples)
● Do not overcomplicate it, just be clear and concise
● Remember: this paper is not meant to provide personal anecdotes but is
rather where you can show your research skills and knowledge of a specific