The final product of the course is a portfolio of your work that demonstrates th

The final product of the course is a portfolio of your work that demonstrates that you have met the learning
outcomes of the course. These outcomes are listed below.
Outcome The writer demonstrates an ability to
1 Pre-writing and Drafting Generate ideas using appropriate pre-writing
strategies; develop those ideas into readable drafts
2 Rhetorical Analysis and
Explain and respond to the rhetoric and arguments
of others
3 Critical Reading Read difficult, research-based texts with critical
4 Researching, Quoting, Paraphrasing,
and Documenting Sources
Design academic inquiries and develop strategies for
finding, evaluating, and integrating information
purposefully in a given context
5 Style, Genre Conventions, and
Disciplinary Knowledge
Craft a style appropriate to the genre, audience, and
purpose of the text
6 Revision Revise his or her own texts considering genre and
rhetorical situation
7 Proofreading Improve correctness and clarity of his or her own
With the above learning outcomes in mind, select three (3) papers from our course that you feel provide the
best evidence of your mastery and skill level of these course objectives.
Write a cover letter to the reader of your portfolio describing and reflecting on your growth as a reader and
writer. Your purpose is to persuade the reader that you have indeed met all the learning outcomes for the
course. As you discuss each outcome, provide supporting evidence from the papers, making it clear to the
reader both (a) where the supporting evidence is (which paper, which page, which paragraphs, which
sentences) and (b) how you interpret and value that evidence. Even though you may discuss your writing
process in the letter, include only the last submitted, final clean versions of the papers, in your portfolio. Do
not revise or edit the sample essays.
Your cover letter should appear first in your folio, followed by your three selected papers. Arrange the papers in
the order that you think best demonstrates your growth and your ability.
Your portfolio will count as part of the grade in the course. Please note that it will also be used later in the year
as part of the assessment of the entire English program.
I attached the 3 papers and the beginning of how I think the cover letter should start.
Put the essays in order based on lowest to highest grade based on dates to show improvement. Make sure to include the information required in the directions. There should be no other sources besides the essay itself. Like I’m only supposed to quote “myself” and give examples from my essays for what it is asking.
Make sure it is on a doc.

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