The Penguin data will be our data set.While completing this project and then writing your report, you will participate in thequantitative reasoning process:1. Formulation of the statistical question and making a claim,2. Statistical Analysis (both descriiptive and inferential),3. Examining the reasonableness of the statistical methods utilized,4. and finally, explain the results in the context of the claim.Historically, the mean mass for a Penguin is 4200 grams. The population’s standard deviation,σ, is unknown.The following will guide you through this process, and each section will be a section you willhave in your report/analysis that you submit to your professor.1. Introduction should include:1. A brief introduction to the topic being studied.2. The statistical question you are going to analyze.3. A brief indication of how the question will be analyzed, but avoid descriiptions ofspecific procedures.2. Representation should include:a) State your research claim in words so that it relates to the context of your researchquestion in the introduction.b) Briefly outline how your statistical question can be addressed using inferential statistics.c) A descriiption of the variable that was measured on items in the sample. (quantitative orqualitative)d) A descriiption of the data collection method.e) A data table that contains the individual observations. (It is fine to write in the paperthat you have attached the JMP data file instead of putting the table in the actualpaper.)f) State the parameter of interest symbolically and then define it in words.g) Define the population of interest that your sample can be considered representative ofas it relates to the statistical question.μ ≤ ≥ σ α ≠ ±3. Analysis should include:a. This section should include the summary statistics. (Mean, standard deviation, a five-number summary, IQR, along with upper and lower fences for outliers.) These should bereported in paragraph form.b. A box plot and a histogram of the data. (Axes should be labeled and each plot is given atitle. Under each plot place a caption for the figure.)c. An analysis utilizing descriiptive statistics which includes:i. Comments on any of the summary statistics that reveal specific information thatis important to your analysis.ii. Are the outliers? Explain how you know there are or are not any.iii. If you do have an outlier(s), then what did you elect to do with them?iv. Is your data skewed or symmetric? Explain how you know and how this may ormay not affect your analysis.d. An analysis utilizing inferential statistics, which includes:1. A formulation of the hypotheses that will be tested in sentence form, utilizingthe context of the problem and symbolically. (null hypothesis and alternativehypothesis)2. Specify the level of statistical significance that you are using for your hypothesistest.3. State the test you are using for the hypothesis test.4. State the resulting standardized test statistic.5. State the p-value.6. State if you reject or fail to reject the null Hypothesis.7. Interpret the hypothesis test results in the context of your claim.8. State the confidence level utilized to create the confidence interval.9. State the confidence interval in the context of the problem and indicate whatyour confidence interval tells you about the original question/claim.4. Reasonableness/Assumptions/Conditions should include:a. Tell the reader the different types of hypothesis tests and confidence intervals youconsidered for the analysis.b. Discuss why you chose the type of hypothesis test and confidence interval based on howthe assumptions (which should clearly be stated) of these techniques were met.c. If there were any concerns related to the data collection methods and/or related to thepopulation represented by the sample, they should be addressed here.d. Additionally, you should address any other issues/biases/concerns/limitations relatedto the problem.5. Summary/Conclusion should include:a. You should include a one-paragraph summary of the report in plain terms, notmathematical/statistical terms. Summarize the conclusion of your report in commonterms as it relates to the original question. This conclusion ties the whole processtogether. In other words, does your inferential conclusion support your claim or not?This conclusion needs to be readable by a general audience.6. Bibliographya. You should provide citations for where you obtained the data and for the software youused to create the images. Also, you should use intext citations.Example:JMP®, Version 18. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, 1989–2023.This report will be graded on all of the following:Part 2 should be revised. The grade on this revision will be applied to your project grade. This revisionshould be completed individually. Remember to change the cover page so that it reflects only yourname.I will focus on:1) Writing quality, including grammar and spelling2) Presence, completeness, and correctness of the required 5 sections.3) Each section should be labeled with the section names: Introduction, Representation, Analysis,Reasonableness/Assumptions/Conditions, and Summary/Conclusion.4) Write this paper in Times New Roman 12pt font, single-spaced, and include a cover page (notincluded in the page limit) with a 2-page limit.5) Submit the paper on Canvas and in TK20. You will submit both files, a Microsoft Worddocument and your JMP data file. Make sure your JMP file has the scriipts saved.