These should be well thought out and meaningful responses that demonstrate a good understanding of the subject matter and the English language. Each sentence must begin with an upper-case letter and end with a period. Each response should be two (2) paragraphs long with six to nine (6-9) complete sentences in each paragraph and must pertain to the topic specified by the reflection prompt. If there is a response with more than two paragraphs, the grade will be determined by the first two paragraphs. You must use proper sentence construction rules. “I agree with what you said,” by itself is not counted as a valid sentence nor are bullets points accepted. Your paragraphs must be clearly defined by creating two spaces between them or by using indentation at the beginning of each paragraph to show that they are separate and distinct. Your points should be clearly argued based on the reflection prompt. Any deviation from the stated rules will result in a low grade. If you use another person’s work to help make your points/arguments (not just direct quotes), you must cite and document your sources properly within the response and also at the end in the form of a works cited page. Note well, NB, even if you write 100% from personal experience, please cite the lesson or any other source that informs your understanding of the subject matter. Do NOT restate my prompt in any of your responses. Do NOT reply to any of your classmates’ postings (if you do, it will be counted as part of your 4 but you will not get any points for it)