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Week 6
Please read the assignment carefully. Follow the section labeled Instructions and submit your document as a file.
Course Objective(s)
CO-5: Demonstrate a basic understanding of the impact of computers on business.
Develop an essay in an APA formatted Word document and address the following:
Are blockchain and cryptocurrencies the same?
Create a glossary of at least 10 cryptocurrency terms. The definitions must be paraphrased and not quoted.
Submit your assignment in an APA formatted Word document.
Submission Guidelines
In the Assignment dropbox, please attach your assignment as a file, do not copy and paste.
Submit your assignment.
Grading Rubric
A rubric is provided here for your convenience that details how this assignment will be graded. Please review it carefully prior to submitting your work.
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Rubric Name: BUSN202 Week 6 Rubric Criteria Exemplary
Did Not Attempt
Criterion Score
Content & Understanding
40 points
Student provides operational definitions for both blockchain and cryptocurrency paraphrased from a credible outside source with proper in-text citation
34 points
Student provides operational definitions for both blockchain and cryptocurrency, paraphrased from credible outside sources, but one definition lacks clarity and or depth, or the citation incorrect
30 points
Student provides operational definitions for both blockchain and cryptocurrency, poorly paraphrased or both definitions lack clarity and or depth, and or the citations incorrect
26 points
Shows limited understanding. Paraphrased definitions unclear or incomplete, or lacks in-text citation
0 points
Student did not submit the assignment or student did not address the Content & Understanding Score of Content & Understanding,/ 40
Glossary of Terms
30 points
Includes at least 10 well-paraphrased cryptocurrency terms with accurate and clearly paraphrased definitions
25.5 points
Includes 8-9 terms or 10 terms are mostly accurate. OR Minor paraphrasing issues but the clarity of the definition correct
22.5 points
Includes 2-7 or less terms OR definitions unclear.
Needs specificity to topic 19.5 points
No Glossary is submitted OR Terms or definitions are unclear OR not paraphrased but quoted
0 points
Student did not submit the assignment OR
Glossary is less than 10% complete
Score of Glossary of Terms,/ 30
APA Formatting, Organization & Structure
20 points
– Follows APA formatting guidelines perfectly, including title page, topic headings, citations, and references. – Uses credible sources that are properly in-text cited. – Essay is well-organized with a clear introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion. Ideas flow logically.
17 points
– Follows APA guidelines with minor errors (1-3 issues). – Organization is generally good, but there may be minor issues with flow or structure.
15 points
– Follows APA guidelines but with several errors (4-6 issues). – Basic structure is present, but clarity or logical flow may be lacking.
13 points
– Shows limited adherence to APA guidelines (more than 6 issues). – Essay is poorly organized with unclear structure.
0 points
Student did not submit the assignment or this category is less than 10% properly APA formatted
Score of APA Formatting, Organization & Structure,/ 20
Grammar & Mechanics
10 points
No more than two grammar, spelling, &/or punctuation errors
8.5 points
Three to five minor errors in grammar, spelling, &/or punctuation
7.5 points
Six to ten errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation but they do not impede understanding
6.5 points
More than 10 errors that may impede understanding
0 points
Student did not submit the assignment or this category the assignment submitted is less than 10% clearly written
Score of Grammar & Mechanics,/ 10