This culminating exercise calls for you to write a letter to: • family member (p

This culminating exercise calls for you to write a letter to:
• family member (parent, uncle, aunt, grandparent, cousin, etc.), sibling or childhood friend explaining to them what you have learned in this class: Multiracial Americans in the American Imagination.
• to your younger or future self about what you have learned in this class: Multiracial Americans in the American Imagination
• To your future mixed-race child(ren) about what you have learned in the class: Multiracial
Americans in the American Imagination (that might help them navigate the world around them).
This letter should demonstrate at minimum a familiarity and hopefully, a command or mastery of the course content (i.e. concepts, theories, models, readings, etc.)
Specifically, this letter should:
1) Address the societal discourse – past, present & future –on the mixed-race subject. That is, the various American imaginings of persons of mixed-race heritage
a. Engage course concepts, models and theories
2) Reflections on your index card responses from the 1st day of class.
( my index card includes 3 words I wrote that strangers would likely describe me with without knowing me, which are: (tall, light skin, intimidating) and than 3 words which I describe myself with (Funny,generous, loving) 3) Reflect the work you have done in your journal entry and internet exercise(s).
( I have attached the journal entries and internet exercise below which you will need to reflect in the essay. The journal entry file is labeled J1 and J3, take a good look at J1 because it describes me personally, and also incorporate J3 and the internet exercise labeled internet 1 and 2 ) 4) Incorporate and reference a minimum of ten (10) course readings ranging the various academic disciplines examined throughout the course (i.e. history, sociology, psychology, applied anthropology, culture studies, communication studies and expressive forms (i.e. videos, fiction and testimonials from Shigematsu), and at least three (3) group presentations in addition to your own group presentation.
( I Have attached 15 course readings which you need to use 10 of them. I have also Attached 3 presentations from class and also I attached my presentation which has the title ( mixed race representation in the fashion industry (file:MR REP ) ))
5) Placing the course resources in conversation with “each other” – e.g. using the various model to analyze the TEAM presentations or the way in which Lemire, Teng and Shigematsu intersect.
As you craft and develop your letter it should NOT BE a listing of information/learning, nor should it be a litany of personal opinion. In many ways, this letter is a hybrid/mix of prose (i.e. your voice) and academic/scholarship (i.e. voices of the people you have read, listened to or viewed and lectures) that demonstrates a wrestling with the tough intellectual/scholarly explanation of “how possibly” society has come its varied understanding of mixed race/ethnic heritage. Finally, the letter should come to some culminating thought, reflection or discernment.
Please write in a active voice and you can also use “I” it doesn’t have to be formal writing it can be hybird but mainly have it with a casual flow. Also cite the direct quotes when you use them from the reading, and you can cite the internet exercise and journal like ( journal 1) in text. ( also cite all the work in the bibligoraphy) ( also dont forget to make the work talk to each other) if you have any questions let me know.

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