This is paper is asking you to (1) reflexively examine a scene of your own involvement (as a participant or observer) of a previous personal experience of deviance and social control, (2) locate that experience within its social context and, (3) apply one or more of the theoretical perspectives (and their concepts) we have covered to understand the experience better.
Pick any theory
Labeling Theory Conflict Functionalism
Social Control
Strain/ Anomie Briefly summarize your personal episode, scene, or experience of deviance.
It can be a made up personal story It doesn’t matter Employ one or more of the following 7 theoretical perspectives and their concepts in examining the deviant situation: (1) Labeling, (2) Anomie/Strain, (3) Stigma, (4) Conflict, (5) Control, (6) Functionalism, or (7) Feminist Theory.
Use only course materials including books, videos, lectures notes, and class discussions.
Your thesis statement must be an argument or assertion that you then prove by providing evidence in the body of the paper. The thesis must be the last sentence in the introduction. A statement of fact is not a thesis. All papers must meet the requirements of APA 7th edition.