This week we will explore a variation of the Bowersox Chapter 2 Blockchain challenge
question in two parts – as it relates to Figure 2.1 – Supply Chain Information System
Part 1 of the paper is to discuss how Blockchain and tracking systems benefit Enterprise Value
– based upon your selection and analysis of three functionality elements from within the Figure
2.1 pyramid.
Part 2 of the paper is to discuss how Blockchain and tracking systems benefit Customer Value
– based upon your selection and analysis of three functionality elements from within the Figure
2.1 pyramid.
Length and format: 800 words APA format
Topic: Blockchain is a communications technology that facilitates secure communication
between financial and supply chain institutions. While the traditional mode for information
between supply chain partners has been electronic data interchange (EDI), there has been
increased concern regarding data accuracy, integrity, and security as information is
exchanged between supply chain partners. This has been particularly true for situations
involving sources of materials, tracking of production facilities, tracking of products through the
distribution system, and global tracking.
Blockchain is a distributed database that maintains digital contents regarding transactions or
events that makes them tamper-resistant. While many institutions such as suppliers,
manufacturers, distributers, retailers, and logistics service providers may access, inspect, or
add to the data, they can’t change or delete it. The original information is maintained in a
permanent and public information trail, or chain of transactions.