To prepare: Review the interactive media under Required Media: Branching exercis

To prepare:
Review the interactive media under Required Media: Branching exercise. This is provided in the Learning Resources.
Review the information provided in the case (patient presentation, vital signs, pmh, home meds, results of labs and diagnostics. With this information, critically think about what is happening with the patient.
Use your critical thinking skills and current guidelines to develop orders. Include additional labs/diagnostics, what needs repeated and followed up on. Medications that need to be ordered or changed.
The Assignment:
Using the required admission orders template found under the Learning Resources: Required Reading.
Develop a set of orders as the admitting provider.
Be sure to address each aspect of the order template
Write the orders as you would in the patient’s chart. Be specific. Do not leave room for the nurse to interpret your orders.
Do not assume anything has already been done/order. Use the information given. Example: If the case does not mention fluids were given, the patient did not receive fluids. You may have to start from scratch as if you are working in the ER. And you must provide orders if the patient needs to be admitted.
Make sure the order is complete and applicable to the patient.
Make sure you provide rationales for your labs and diagnostics and anything else you feel the need to explain. This should be done at the end of the order set – not included with the order.
Please do not write per protocol. We do not know what your protocol is and you need to demonstrate what is the appropriate standard of care for this patient.
A minimum of three current (within the last 5 years), evidenced based references are required.

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