Week 2 – Three Moral Theories – Available Dec 16, 2024 12:01 AM
Midwinter 2024 Introduction to Ethics (PHIL-2306-051)
This week’s study is focused on moral theories, which are ways of understanding and evaluating what is right or wrong in human actions. They are basically different perspectives on how to determine what is morally good or bad. The three major theories we will look at include:
1. Utilitarianism: According to this theory, the morality of an action is based on its consequences. An action is morally right if it promotes the greatest overall happiness or pleasure for the greatest number of people.
2. Deontology: Deontological theories, like those of Immanuel Kant, emphasize the importance of moral principles and duty. Actions are considered morally right if they follow certain universal moral rules, regardless of the outcomes.
3. Virtue Ethics: This theory focuses on the character of the individual rather than specific actions. Moral goodness is achieved by cultivating virtuous traits and habits.
Start this week by watching the short video, “Three Moral Theories” and then read the selected ethical theory readings provided under “Materials.” Finally, respond to the Discussion Board question to complete your work for this week.
This video introduces us to the three primary Moral Theories.
Assignments for the week:
Watch Video “Three Moral Theories”
Reading Assignment: “3 Major Approaches to Ethics”
Discussion Board Post & Responses “Deciding What’s Right: Your Moral Theory Choice”
Starts Dec 16, 2024 12:01 AM