What three questions were addressed by the scientific study? Choose one of these

What three questions were addressed by the scientific study?
Choose one of these questions and craft a scientific hypothesis to address the question.
The researchers took great care to calculate conservative and highly conservative background extinction rates to use as baselines for their study. Why did they take such great pains? What do you think about their reasoning? Does it surprise you that scientists would go to such means? Why or why not?
In terms of the factors used to calculate the conservative and highly conservative rates, how do the two measures differ? What factors were used to calculate each?
What were the answers to each of the three questions?
According to the researchers of the study, what three factors most need to be alleviated to help avoid, or stop, the sixth mass extinction?
Please comment on the believability of the study. Do you agree or disagree that anthropogenic activities are responsible for the factors that are leading to the proposed mass extinction?

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