Write a personal climate change adaptation plan for yourself, your family, your

Write a personal climate change adaptation plan for yourself, your family, your community, and/or your organization. You will have two weeks to accomplish this assignment. IMPORTANT NOTE: It is HIGHLY recommended that you not wait until the last minute. This assignment is your opportunity to synthesize and integrate everything you have learned to date into a document that could enable you and your family to thrive in a warming world. Don’t take the opportunity lightly.

To review where we have come so far: You have been introduced to the IPCC 5th Assessment Report; you have learned how the US government views climate change; you have read Hertsgaard, who is scared to death for the future of his family, but sees flashes of brilliance from time to time; and you have read Diamandis, who sees flashes of brilliance everywhere. This has all been punctuated with some highly interesting and innovative TED talks, which further illustrate possibilities. Now it’s time to put it all together.

You have undoubtedly noted that everything you have been presented with to date is largely unstructured. Some of the authors and presenters you’ve read and viewed have asserted that the problem of climate change is so complex that it can’t be dealt with in a meaningful way. On the one hand, that’s fine, because it gives a glimpse of the complexities that need to be dealt with. On the other hand, that’s not fine, because it leaves little to work with.

For that reason, the personal climate change adaptation plan you submit will be written into the enclosed template. The purpose of the template is to provide organization to chaos, with the ultimate intent being to give the student and the student’s family something operational to work with.

Utilize the enclosed website as you wish. It will likely add valuable insight to your planning.

You may accomplish this plan in isolation, but in doing so, recognize the limitations in perspective you will bring to the table that some of the authors have talked about. Better is to accomplish the plan as a group project with your family, friends, and co-workers, with the group being as diverse as possible. As noted, don’t hesitate. Form your forecasting and planning team as quickly as possible and get them to brainstorming what needs to be thought of and what needs to be done. Be thorough. Be comprehensive. Make it a great climate change adaptation plan.
Be sure to provide this and all papers in proper APA format.
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