Your accrediting body is about to visit your organization and you have to prove that learners are meeting the programmatic outcomes you constructed in discussion question 6. You have already designed a digital portfolio assignment that learners complete in their final course to demonstrate attainment of programmatic outcomes. ***Programmatic outcomes discussed in the discussion question 6 below: 1. Identify and define unconscious biases through recall and stating facts.
2. Describe various cultural differences with real-life experiences using videos.
3. Develop skills to interact with diverse backgrounds via patient environment scenarios.
4. Increase understanding of diverse backgrounds by examining cultural norms identified through an interactive learning module.
5. Support diversity by promoting a healthy clinical environment and practicing inclusion.
Speaker Notes must be a Word document
Write a 10-12 slide power point presentation with presenter’s notes for the accrediting body that:
Discusses the digital portfolio utilized by your organization with selection rationale and evidence support
Discusses the criteria you utilized to assess the learners’ digital portfolio. Criteria should be supported with evidence-based practice
Provide the rubric you utilize to grade the learner’s digital portfolios as an appendix
Discusses the learner support plans/remediation activities your organization utilizes when a learner’s portfolio does not demonstrate attainment of programmatic outcomes
Finish your report with your plan for future academic program evaluations and the utilization of the data obtained from the evaluation Submission Requirements
**Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the slide count requirements.**