‘Kuleshov’s discovery illustrated that the meaning of a shot was determined not only by the content of the shot, but also by its association with the preceding and succeeding shots’ (Pramaggiore & Wallis, 206). With reference to ONE sequence from a film of your choice from the module, discuss the role of editing in the production of film meaning.
Use the film: The film beaches of Anges Do not go over 500 words
Use these citations, Gibbs, John Edward. Mise-En-Scène : Film Style and Interpretation. Short Cuts. London: WallFlower Press, 2002. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=sso&db=nlebk&AN=954002&site=ehost-live.
Maria Prammaggiore, and Tom Wallis. 2020. Film Fourth Edition : A Critical Introduction. Vol. [4th edition]. London, England: Laurence King Publishing. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=sso&db=nlebk&AN=3598213&site=ehost-live.