essay question: The subtitle of the book “American Reader” used for class is “Wo

essay question: The subtitle of the book “American Reader” used for class is “Words that Moved a Nation.”
Each of the readings selected were chosen specifically because of their
influence in shaping American thought and culture. Which of the readings assigned for class have “moved” you the most? Have any of them inspired you, or caused you to look at things differently? What readings are most relatable, in some way, to you in your own life? Select several (at least three) of the readings that have been most meaningful to you, and explain what about them makes those selections of particular “speak” to you.
The three readings are : Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s “The Solitude to Self”, Margaret Sanger’s “The Right to One’s Body”, and Betty Friedan’s “The Feminine Mystique” The following essay question will appear on the exam. You will be required to answer this
question as completely as possible. You must remember to provide solid examples (and, yes, I
want to see specific details, and evidence drawn from the documents you discuss) to back up every
point you make. Please don’t use big terms. keep the wording simple. Thank you!

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