Please use the Chicago Style for all citations. You may use endnotes or footnote

Please use the Chicago Style for all citations. You may use endnotes or footnotes. Provide a Bibliography also using Chicago Style format. PART 1: Use the following organization and structure: I. Issue and Position (THIS IS A 1-2 PAGE Executive summary) Clearly outline the main problems associated with your trafficking case. Provide a foundation to explain the current situation associated with your topic. After generally describing the issue, list your policy recommendations. PART 2: Detailed Background Information (7-8 PAGES) Be sure to discuss: Historical origin of the problem since the year 2000, particularly how and why the problem arose, and how/why it may have changed over time to the present Explain how the issue relates to the international community and why is it of international concern Evaluate previous actions taken to try and solve the problem (if any), successes and failures of past actions and why they succeeded or failed Problems that continue to exist or ones that have not yet been addressed PART 3: Proposed Solutions Regarding the Issue (2-3 PAGES) Give specific proposals regarding how to solve specific issues. Give each recommendation at least a paragraph of discussion. Explain how each individual policy recommendation will be implemented, including its feasibility, and the possible global impact of implementing these recommendations. It is most important to explain why you think the policy recommendation will work. CONCLUSION: Your conclusion should summarize your recommendations for policies to solve this real world problem, and explain why you think your policy recommendations have the best chance of success based on historical examples or previous experience.

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