Looking back at your previous papers and the labs performed in the class, cre

Looking back at your previous papers and the labs performed in the class, create a scenario in which you will present evidence. In Cybersecurity today, you will be expected to write and present evidence as well. Write the paper as you were presenting evidence you collected. You can also use evidence from the cases you found in your previous papers.
General Project Guidelines 
Use a minimum of five sources for the assignment. You can use your textbook as a reference, but it will not count as one of your sources. Your sources should be reputable—do not rely on Websites not associated with professional organizations and institutions (blogs, etc.). Any items taken from the Web should be carefully evaluated to ensure that they are appropriate for a college-level assignment. You may want to consult the Collin College library’s guide or Use Collin’s Lexis Nexis database in your research if possible and cite the case, outcomes, etc. http://library.collin.edu/login?url=http://www.nexisuni.com (Links to an external site.)
If you have any questions regarding the validity of a source, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. 
Your papers should incorporate concepts discussed in our classroom and within the textbook, modules, and other reading materials. 
Formatting Guidelines for Papers 
Papers must contain at least five to six double-spaced pages in 12-point Times New Roman font on US Letter size with proper citations and a bibliography. Use the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition style guide (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format (Links to an external site.)) for citations, references, headings, and paper format. The bibliography will not count toward the page total. Papers should contain the following sections: 
Cover page (does not count toward page total)—This includes the paper’s title, your name, the class title, and the date of submission. 
Introduction—This is an introductory statement about your paper. What point are you making, or what are you hoping to discover? Provide the thesis or purpose of the paper here. 
Body—This is the main section of the paper. Make sure you thoroughly fulfill the requirements of the assignment. Do what you stated in the introduction and support your conclusions. 
Conclusion—This is the part of your paper where you give your final thoughts. Based on your analysis, what have you concluded about the points or questions raised in the introduction? 
Bibliography (does not count toward page total)—This contains your reference list, which must be formatted in APA 7th edition guidelines.

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