Choose one text from Week 11 or later and develop a focused examination of at least one central theme that the work explores. Reference at least one discussion post by a peer
Engage closely with specific details from the texts. Avoid relying on generalizations. Quote from your texts for support.
Include a works cited page (even if you’ve not used any research, you should have a works cited page for your primary text/texts)
June Jordan
“Poem about Police Violence” p. 764
“Poem about My Rights” p. 766
Nikki Giovanni
“Nikki-Rosa” p. 882
“Revolutionary Music” p. 882
“All I Gotta Do” p. 884
“Ego Tripping (there may be a reason why)” p. 885
Maya Angelou
“Still I Rise” p. 946
Lucille Clifton
“[in the inner city]” p. 1125
“good times” p. 1126
“Malcolm” p. 1127
“homage to my hips” p. 1127
“study the masters” p. 1128