Your initial discussion post must be at least 125 words and your peer response m

Your initial discussion post must be at least 125 words and your peer response must be at least 75 words.
In this unit, you have learned about several factors related to human cognition. Choose something you have learned related to thinking, intelligence, or language, and teach your classmates what you have discovered.
Response to this (75 words) – I found the section on “how people think,” specifically the section on Mental Imagery, to be fascinating. The fact that mental imagery is the opposite of actual imagery is intriguing. When we use our visual stimuli, we engage our eyes and the visual cortex of the occipital lobe. However, when we create a mental image, we rely on the cortex associated with stored knowledge. Additionally, creating a mental image happens from the top down, while visual stimuli is from the bottom up. I also found it interesting that when people are asked to imagine something, they often look up. Even if this is subconscious and not directly related to how the image is created, it still fascinates me.
Before reaching this section, I had read some articles about aphantasia, a condition in which a small percentage of people have an absence of visual imagery. This neurological characteristic was in the back of my mind while reading this section, and it has sparked my curiosity further. I am now more interested in researching aphantasia and would love to talk with someone experiences it to understand how they “visualize” things.

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