1) The Final Exam asks you to engage ALL THREE prompts.
2) You will develop three separate short essays (2-3 pages each, double-space, 12 font).
3) Direct support from the course readings is required to support your analysis. CITE DIRECTLY
USING QUOTES! Use page numbers from the INT Reader when you cite!
4) You are able to substitute one essay with a video response (5-7 minutes). All of the same
requirements about using direct support apply to video submissions.
5) DO NOT utilize AI Generated responses in this exam. This will be treated as plagiarism and
will result in a failing grade.
Writing Prompts (ANSWER ALL THREE):
1) How is philosophy as a “way of knowing” similar to and different from literature as a
“way of knowing”? In other words, compare how/what you learned by engaging in
philosophy to how/what you learned by unpacking Citizen this semester. You MUST
reference at least two philosophical essays that we have encountered this semester
(Plato/Socrates/Nussbaum). CITE DIRECTLY USING QUOTES!
2) Analyze and interpret how Paulo Freire’s “Banking Concept of Education” connects to
TWO other primary readings in the class found in the INT 100 Reader. *These must not
overlap with readings chosen for the first prompt. CITE DIRECTLY USING QUOTES!
3) Select ONE essay from the INT 100 Reader that we did not discuss in class. Analyze how
this reading helped you better understand liberal education or another key course
concept that is strongly grounded in TWO of our readings. *These must not overlap with
readings chosen for the first two prompts. CITE DIRECTLY USING QUOTES!
Characteristics of an “A” Paper:
Provides specific and insightful analysis, fully answering the question(s), and supporting directly
from the text when necessary. Essay demonstrates course mastery and breadth.
Essay meets the length and format requirements and is submitted on time. There are few
spelling/grammar issues present. Language is used with style. Citations are clear (just use page
numbers from the INT Reader when quoting). NOTE: The hallmark of an “A” paper is mastery
Ive attached some parts from the required readings if needed for the intext citations