Write an analytic paper on Linguistic Landscape: In this assignment students are

Write an analytic paper on Linguistic Landscape:
In this assignment students are asked to write an essay about their research in Linguistic Landscape in the UAE, focusing on one topic/one type of signs/specific location. 
The following are examples of topics students may want to choose to refer to: power issues, status of English in the UAE, status of immigrant languages in general, Arabic use in the UAE, love and sexuality, politics, representations of religion, LL on NYUAD campus, and more.
Because of the limited scope of this paper, I ask students to focus their research on a specific place (street/neighborhood/etc.) or specific type of signs. If students choose to compare, students should make sure to compare apples to apples with the same amount of evidence.
In their essay students are asked to analyze the topic of Linguistic Landscape in the UAE relating to one of the topics above (or any other topic of their choice) based on the relevant readings and the ideas we discussed in class and during tours. 
Please include:
At least 12 relevant examples of signs of any kind and decipher, if relevant, the meaning of each one (attach photos). 
At least three academic resources relevant to the topic of the research and the analysis of the findings.  

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