By producing and marketing the goods and services that buyers desire, businesse

By producing and marketing the goods and services that buyers desire, businesses satisfy their responsibility to the general public as a whole. This measure of satisfaction is called utility, an economics term used to describe the overall satisfaction consumers receive from that good or service. To meet the wants and needs of their consumers, businesses can develop or strengthen four basic kinds of utility: time, ownership, place, and form. A company’s marketing operation facilitates time, place, and ownership utility by presenting market offerings to customers at a time and place that clears the way for buying.
Yet, it takes the production wing of a company, after consulting with the customer and the marketing department, to create form utility by converting raw materials and other inputs into finished products. The next time you look at your smartphone, contemplate what it took for your provider to get it into your hands.
Finally, “quality” is a popular term, often associated with productions and operations management. The daily challenge for a business to meet and exceed the customers’ expectations of “quality” in a competitive and dynamic marketplace can be quite exhilarating, and stakeholders should remember that what satisfies a customer today may not tomorrow.
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The purpose of this exercise is to explore your interests and begin to think about how your interests might lend themselves to your future career. You are encouraged to review Appendix E and Ch. 8.
Before you begin, do a little brainstorming. Think about what you like to do. What do you find interesting in certain occupations? What could you imagine yourself doing 8 hours a day as part of a regular workday?
Complete the following, then compose your report:
1. Answer: What are your top three career interests, and why do these interest you?
2. Visit O-Net Interest Profiler and follow the directions to get your career profile results.
In 150 words (minimum), compose a write-up that includes and answers the following:
List the top three interests from #1, above, along with your explanation as to why you chose them.
Based on your career profile results in #2, above, list your top three categories of interest. Be sure to mention their rank. Include a brief descriiption or definition of each category.
3. Compare and contrast your initial career selections with your career profile results.
What was the most surprising finding of this exercise and why?
Do you feel like you better understand where your interests lie within the world of work?

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