Assignment Flow chart based off of concept map. Purpose The purpose of this assi

Flow chart based off of concept map.
The purpose of this assignment is to begin thinking about your approach to communication conflict and the interwoven pieces connected to conflict you have experienced. As we have seen, conflict resolution moves beyond working towards a solution, but also includes interpersonal (trust, reconciliation, relationship building) and structural (organizational) factors. The following assignment asks you to take a holistic approach to examining a conflict you have been a part of.
Create and use a concept map, examine the interconnectedness of the interpersonal and structural side of conflict resolution. Use a specific conflict situation (current or past) from a conflict you have experienced in an organization. A concept map should resemble a flowchart of the conflict experience and include all pieces of the conflict, not limited to the people, places, decisions, barriers and part of the conflict.
Start with the conflict situation and build out all factors that have influenced the situation. The website provides samples of concept maps for a visual reference. Bring in supporting evidence from the texts you have read, and 3-5 outside sources to further explore your experience. Use of sources should demonstrate knowledge gained in the course and further application from new sources found.
Both a visual depiction (conflict map) and paper should be submitted. The map does not count as part of the papers word count.
The concept map is due Wednesday, 11:59PM CST to discussion board 2. You can use feedback from peers to edit and submit a final copy to the dropbox along with the paper, due Sunday at 11:59PM CST
Consider the following questions as you process the conflict experience in the paper. The questions are only used as a starting point – explore in more depth the how, why, and outcomes of the experience.
How did conflict style and/or people involved factor into the outcome of the conflict?
Did the different parties involved in the conflict use different approaches?
How did structures within the organization affect the process of conflict?
Identify key elements and/or behaviors contributing to the dysfunction and conflict including behavior patterns associated with interpersonal conflict and organizational conflict, involving socio-cultural, personal, and organizational issues where appropriate.
Compare and contrast these behaviors and conflict factors to look for patterns. Use the findings from this analysis and concepts from the readings to propose an alternative resolution for each dysfunctional or conflict situation. Or, consider how the conflict experience should be approached in the future.

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